Transfusion Camp 2023 - 2024

Ce contenu est uniquement disponible en anglais.

General information

Transfusion Camp aims to increase knowledge of transfusion medicine and best practices by providing high quality training to post graduate medical trainees in various specialties related to transfusion, across Canada and internationally.

How is Transfusion Camp delivered?

  • Curriculum is developed by a Planning Committee led by University of Toronto Transfusion experts.
  • Content is delivered over 4 days (typically from September to April).
  • Each day includes lectures and team-based learning seminars.
  • Lecturers are faculties from across Canada.
  • Seminars' facilitators are faculties local to the participating medical schools.
  • Depending on participating site preferences, lectures and seminars can be delivered in person or online.

When and where do trainees attend Transfusion Camp?

  • Transfusion Camp coordinators and faculties at participating medical schools determine how trainees from their site attend Transfusion Camp.
    • Trainees may attend lectures in groups either "live" (in Toronto) or "live" remotely (via webcast) or "post-live" (recorded lectures).
    • Trainees may attend team-based learning seminars in small groups in person at their local sites or online.
  • Transfusion Camp coordinators communicate to registered trainees prior to each day to confirm date, time and location.
  • The downloadable 2023-2024 schedule and location document contains information on how the Camp will be delivered at each participating site. 
  • Consult with your local program coordinator for assistance.

How can trainees get the most out of Transfusion Camp?

  • Complete pre and post Transfusion Camp tests
  • Read the pre-reading publications before each day.
  • Attend all sessions.
  • Actively participate during lectures and seminars. A guide for participating in the seminars is provided below.
  • Refrain from excessive use of interruption devices (mobile phones).
  • Arrange not to be on call the night before.
  • Complete evaluations.
  • Come back to the course portal to review materials, including the recorded lectures. 
3 mai 2021

How do trainees provide feedback about Transfusion Camp?

  • For feedback related to Transfusion Camp, please complete the electronic surveys that are emailed to all trainees after each day.
  • For feedback related to this course portal, please contact

Transfusion Camp publications

Peer-reviewed publications


1.     Yeung KCY, Kapitany C, Chargé S, Callum J, Cserti-Gazdewich C, D'Empaire PP, Khandelwal A, Lieberman L, Lee C, Pavenski K, Pendergrast J, Shehata N, Hsia CC, Lavoie M, Murphy MF, Prokopchuk-Gauk O, Rahmani M, Trudeau J, Zeller MP, Lin Y. Transfusion camp: A retrospective study of self-reported impact on postgraduate trainee transfusion practice. Transfusion. 2023 Apr;63(4):839-848. doi: 10.1111/trf.17278. Epub 2023 Feb 22. 

28 juin 2023


2.     Lin Y, Khandelwal A, Kapitany C, Chargé S. Transfusion Camp: Successes and challenges in scaling and expanding a transfusion medicine education program. Transfus Apher Sci. 2023 Feb;62(1):103629. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2022.103629. Epub 2022 Dec 14. 

28 juin 2023


3.     Lin Y, Tilokee E, Chargé S, Alam A, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Lau W, Lee C, Lieberman L, Nixon P, Owens W, Pavenski K, Pendergrast J, Saidenberg E, Shehata N, Skeate R, Yi QL, Conrad D, Dudebout J, Hsia CC, Murphy M, Prokopchuk-Gauk O, Shah A, Solh Z, Trudeau J, Zeller MP, Callum J. Transfusion Camp: a prospective evaluation of a transfusion education program for multispecialty postgraduate trainees. Transfusion. 2019 Jun;59(6):2141-2149. doi: 10.1111/trf.15284. Epub 2019 Apr 4. 

10 janvier 2020


Annual reports

The most recent available annual report is provided below.  For previous years, please contact  

3 janvier 2023


What topics are covered by Transfusion Camp?

The topics covered for 2023-2024 Transfusion Camp are detailed in the collapsible sections below and in the downloadable Program Brochure.

13 septembre 2023

Day 1 - Blood components & product indications

Learning objectives

Indications for blood transfusion
  1. Appropriately prescribe components (RBC, plasma, and fibrinogen replacement)
  2. Appropriately prescribe plasma protein products (albumin, coagulation factor concentrates)
  3. Have a reasonable approach to the correction of coagulation prior to procedures
  4. Know when to order blood components
Blood bank testing
  1. Summarize basics about blood bank tests and pre-transfusion compatibility testing
  2. Explain the implications of positive antibody screen
  3. Know when to screen patients for platelet allimmunization

Day 1 content overview

  • Red cell transfusion (Dr. Jeannie Callum)
  • Platelet transfusion (Dr. Katerina Pavenski)
  • Basic blood bank testing (Dr. Akash Gupta)
  • Albumin (Dr. Justyna Bartoszko)
  • Plasma, PCC & fibrinogen replacement (Dr. Aditi Khandelwal)
  • Fundamentals of pediatric transfusion (Dr. Lani Lieberman) (pediatric groups - view slides on your own)
  • Seminar 1A: RBC & platelet transfusion cases (Dr. Sebastian Vuong & Dr. Shuoyan Ning)
  • Seminar 1B: Plasma, PCC & fibrinogen cases (Dr. Sheharyar Raza & Dr. Aditi Khandelwal) (non-pediatric groups)
  • Seminar 1B: Pediatric transfusion (Dr. Ziah Solh & Dr. Valérie Arsenault) (pediatric groups)


1.    Canadian Blood Services Clinical Guide to Transfusion.  Chapters 2, 18, and 19.

2.    ORBCON, Bloody Easy 5.1: Blood Transfusions, Blood Alternatives and Transfusion Reactions. A Guide to Transfusion Medicine, fifth edition handbook, 2022.

3.    Garraud O, Hamzeh-Cognasse H, Chalayer E, Duchez AC, Tardy B, Oriol P, Haddad A, Guyotat D, Cognasse F. Platelet transfusion in adults: An update. Transfus Clin Biol. 2023 Feb;30(1):147-165.

14 septembre 2023


4.    Nahirniak S, Slichter SJ, Tanael S, Rebulla P, Pavenski K, Vassallo R, Fung M, Duquesnoy R, Saw CL, Stanworth S, Tinmouth A, Hume H, Ponnampalam A, Moltzan C, Berry B, Shehata N; International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines. Guidance on platelet transfusion for patients with hypoproliferative thrombocytopenia. Transfus Med Rev. 2015 Jan;29(1):3-13. 

14 septembre 2023


5.    Green L, Bolton-Maggs P, Beattie C, Cardigan R, Kallis Y, Stanworth SJ, Thachil J, Zahra S. British Society of Haematology Guidelines on the spectrum of fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate products: their handling and use in various patient groups in the absence of major bleeding. Br J Haematol. 2018 Apr;181(1):54-67. doi: 10.1111/bjh.15167. Epub 2018 Mar 12. Erratum in: Br J Haematol. 2018 Jun;181(6):864.

18 septembre 2023


6.    Khandelwal A. Bleeding risk assessment for bedside and interventional radiology guided procedures: Consensus guidelines and beyond. June 2020 

7.    Elbaz C, Sholzberg M. An illustrated review of bleeding assessment tools and common coagulation tests. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2020 Jul 6;4(5):761-773

18 septembre 2023


8.    Vlaar APJ, Dionne JC, de Bruin S, Wijnberge M, Raasveld SJ, van Baarle FEHP, Antonelli M, Aubron C, Duranteau J, Juffermans NP, Meier J, Murphy GJ, Abbasciano R, Müller MCA, Lance M, Nielsen ND, Schöchl H, Hunt BJ, Cecconi M, Oczkowski S. Transfusion strategies in bleeding critically ill adults: a clinical practice guideline from the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Intensive Care Med. 2021 Dec;47(12):1368-1392.

18 septembre 2023


For pediatric groups:

1.    Lacroix J, Hébert PC, Hutchison JS, Hume HA, Tucci M, Ducruet T, Gauvin F, Collet JP, Toledano BJ, Robillard P, Joffe A, Biarent D, Meert K, Peters MJ; TRIPICU Investigators; Canadian Critical Care Trials Group; Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators Network. Transfusion strategies for patients in pediatric intensive care units. N Engl J Med. 2007 Apr 19;356(16):1609-19

13 septembre 2023


2.    Franz AR, Engel C, Bassler D, Rüdiger M, Thome UH, Maier RF, Krägeloh-Mann I, Kron M, Essers J, Bührer C, Rellensmann G, Rossi R, Bittrich HJ, Roll C, Höhn T, Ehrhardt H, Avenarius S, Körner HT, Stein A, Buxmann H, Vochem M, Poets CF; ETTNO Investigators. Effects of Liberal vs Restrictive Transfusion Thresholds on Survival and Neurocognitive Outcomes in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants: The ETTNO Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2020 Aug 11;324(6):560-570.

13 septembre 2023


3.    Kirpalani H, Bell EF, Hintz SR, Tan S, Schmidt B, Chaudhary AS, Johnson KJ, Crawford MM, Newman JE, Vohr BR, Carlo WA, D'Angio CT, Kennedy KA, Ohls RK, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Whyte RK, Widness JA, Zupancic JAF, Wyckoff MH, Truog WE, Walsh MC, Chock VY, Laptook AR, Sokol GM, Yoder BA, Patel RM, Cotten CM, Carmen MF, Devaskar U, Chawla S, Seabrook R, Higgins RD, Das A; Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD Neonatal Research Network. Higher or Lower Hemoglobin Transfusion Thresholds for Preterm Infants. N Engl J Med. 2020 Dec 31;383(27):2639-2651.

13 septembre 2023


4.    Curley A, Stanworth SJ, Willoughby K, Fustolo-Gunnink SF, Venkatesh V, Hudson C, Deary A, Hodge R, Hopkins V, Lopez Santamaria B, Mora A, Llewelyn C, D'Amore A, Khan R, Onland W, Lopriore E, Fijnvandraat K, New H, Clarke P, Watts T; PlaNeT2 MATISSE Collaborators. Randomized Trial of Platelet-Transfusion Thresholds in Neonates. N Engl J Med. 2019 Jan 17;380(3):242-251.

13 septembre 2023


5.    New HV, Berryman J, Bolton-Maggs PH, Cantwell C, Chalmers EA, Davies T, Gottstein R, Kelleher A, Kumar S, Morley SL, Stanworth SJ; British Committee for Standards in Haematology. Guidelines on transfusion for fetuses, neonates and older children. Br J Haematol. 2016 Dec;175(5):784-828.

13 septembre 2023



1.    Red cell transfusion (Dr. Jeannie Callum)

18 septembre 2023


2.    Platelet transfusion (Dr. Katerina Pavenski)

13 septembre 2023


3.    Basic blood bank testing (Dr. Akash Gupta)

22 septembre 2023


4.    Albumin (Dr. Justyna Bartoszko)

21 septembre 2023


5.    Plasma, PCC & fibrinogen replacement (Dr. Aditi Khandelwal)

18 septembre 2023


6.    Fundamentals of pediatric treatment (Dr. Lani Lieberman)

13 septembre 2023


To view the lectures on YouTube, open the video and click on the playlist icon in the top right corner to select your lecture of interest.


Day 1 key learnings

21 septembre 2023



Review the Guide for Participating in Seminars prior to attending the seminars.

Seminar 1A: RBC & platelet transfusion cases
13 septembre 2023


14 septembre 2023


22 mars 2024


Seminar 1B: Plasma, PCC & fibrinogen cases
21 septembre 2023


21 septembre 2023


22 mars 2024


Seminar 1B: Pediatric transfusion (pediatric group)
21 septembre 2023


21 septembre 2023


22 mars 2024

Day 2 - Transfusion reactions & sickle cell disease

Learning objectives

Risks of transfusion
  1. Obtain informed consent for transfusion
  2. Prevent, diagnose, manage and report acute and delayed transfusion reactions
  3. State the current risks of transfusion-transmitted infections
  4. Describe challenges to transfusion safety (getting the right blood to the right patient)
Sickle cell disease
  1. Safely transfusion a patient with sickle cell disease

Day 2 content overview

  • Canadian Blood Services/Héma-Québec virtual tour (Dr. Michelle Zeller/Dr. Catherine Latour)
  • Acute non-infectious reactions (Dr. Cristine Cserti-Gazdewich)
  • Informed consent (Dr. Marissa Laureano)
  • Sickle cell disease - Perioperative and acute transfusion management (Dr. Jacob Pendergrast)
  • Seminar 2A: Transfusion reactions (Dr. Sumedha Arya & Dr. Christine Cserti-Gazdewich)
  • Seminar 2B: SCD & transfusion (Dr. Lianne Rotin & Dr. Jacob Pendergrast)


1.    Héma-Québec, Circulaires d’information : Allocation de culots globulaires et plaquettes, HQ-20-013, 20 mars 2020.

15 novembre 2023


2.    Héma-Québec, Programme de sang rare :  Guide d’information pour les médecins, PUB-00098, août 2021.

15 novembre 2023


3.    Héma-Québec, Notice d’accompagnement : Portant sur les produits sanguins labiles, PUB-00035[2], octobre 2023.

15 novembre 2023



1A.   Canadian Blood Services virtual tour (Dr. Michelle Zeller)

17 novembre 2023


1B.   Héma-Québec virtual tour (Dr. Catherine Latour)

15 novembre 2023


2.    Acute non-infectious reactions (Dr. Cristine Cserti-Gazdewich)

17 novembre 2023


3.    Informed consent (Dr. Marissa Laureano)

15 novembre 2023


4.    Sickle cell disease - Perioperative and acute transfusion management (Dr. Jacob Pendergrast)

16 novembre 2023


To view the lectures on YouTube, open the video and click on the playlist icon in the top right corner to select your lecture of interest.



Day 2 key learnings

1 décembre 2023



Review the Guide for Participating in Seminars prior to attending the seminars.

Seminar 2A: Transfusion reactions
16 novembre 2023


16 novembre 2023


22 mars 2024


Seminar 2B: SCD & transfusion
16 novembre 2023


17 novembre 2023


22 mars 2024

Day 3 - Perioperative & bleeding management

Learning objectives

Patient blood management
  1. Have a standard approach to the management of pre-operative anemia
  2. Apply patient blood management strategies, including for patients who refuse blood on religious grounds
Congenital and acquired bleeding
  1. Perform a preoperative bleeding history
  2. Interpret coagulation testing results
  3. Develop an approach to patients with congenital or acquired bleeding disorders (including reversal of common anticoagulants

Day 3 content overview

  • Pre-operative patient blood management (Dr. Yulia Lin)
  • Intra-op patient blood management: Tranexamic acid; salvage and triggers (Dr. Keyvan Karkouti) 
  • Congenital coag - Bleeding history, VWD, hemophilia (Dr. Oksana Prokopchuk-Gauk)
  • Reversal of antiplatelets & direct anticoagulants (Dr. Eric Tseng)
  • Seminar 3A: Patient blood management (Dr. Charles Lafrance & Dr. Yulia Lin)
  • Seminar 3B: Advanced hemostasis testing & management (Dr. Nadia Gabarin & Dr. Carolyne Elbaz)


1.    Transfusion and Alternative Options as Selected by Patient, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, 2023-02-21.

12 janvier 2024


2.   Carson JL, Brooks MM, Hébert PC, Goodman SG, Bertolet M, Glynn SA, Chaitman BR, Simon T, Lopes RD, Goldsweig AM, DeFilippis AP, Abbott JD, Potter BJ, Carrier FM, Rao SV, Cooper HA, Ghafghazi S, Fergusson DA, Kostis WJ, Noveck H, Kim S, Tessalee M, Ducrocq G, de Barros E Silva PGM, Triulzi DJ, Alsweiler C, Menegus MA, Neary JD, Uhl L, Strom JB, Fordyce CB, Ferrari E, Silvain J, Wood FO, Daneault B, Polonsky TS, Senaratne M, Puymirat E, Bouleti C, Lattuca B, White HD, Kelsey SF, Steg PG, Alexander JH; MINT Investigators. Restrictive or Liberal Transfusion Strategy in Myocardial Infarction and Anemia. N Engl J Med. 2023 Dec 28;389(26):2446-2456.

12 janvier 2024


3.    PATCH-Trauma Investigators and the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group; Gruen RL, Mitra B, Bernard SA, McArthur CJ, Burns B, Gantner DC, Maegele M, Cameron PA, Dicker B, Forbes AB, Hurford S, Martin CA, Mazur SM, Medcalf RL, Murray LJ, Myles PS, Ng SJ, Pitt V, Rashford S, Reade MC, Swain AH, Trapani T, Young PJ. Prehospital Tranexamic Acid for Severe Trauma. N Engl J Med. 2023 Jul 13;389(2):127-136.

12 janvier 2024



1.    Pre-operative patient blood management (Dr. Yulia Lin)

22 janvier 2024


2.    Intra-op patient blood management:  Tranexamic acid, salvage and triggers (Dr. Keyvan Karkouti)

12 janvier 2024


3.    Congenital coag - Bleeding history, VWD, hemophilia (Dr. Oksana Prokopchuk-Gauk)

17 janvier 2024


4.    Reversal of antiplatelets & direct anticoagulants (Dr. Eric Tseng)

19 janvier 2024


To view the lectures on YouTube, open the video and click on the playlist icon in the top right corner to select your lecture of interest.


Day 3 key learnings

19 janvier 2024



Answers for the seminars are posted after the last group of trainees has completed the Transfusion Camp day (this may take several months after the live event).

Review the Guide for Participating in Seminars prior to attending the seminars.

Seminar 3A: Patient blood management
12 janvier 2024


12 janvier 2024
Seminar 3B: Advanced hemostasis testing & management
12 janvier 2024


12 janvier 2024

Day 4 - Massive hemorrhage protocols & review

Learning objectives

Massive hemorrhage
  1. Manage a massively hemorrhaging patient, including surgical, trauma and obstetric patients, with discussion of hemostatic medications (antifibrinolytics)

Day 4 content overview

  • Massive hemorrhage: Pathophysiology & evidence based management (Dr. Jeannie Callum)
  • Massive hemorrhage protocols: Real world application (Dr. Katerina Pavenski)
  • New updates in Transfusion (Dr. Sheharyar Raza)
  • Ask the experts Q&A and review session (Panel)
  • Seminar 4: Massive, disaster bleeding cases (Dr. Marc Bienz & Dr. Jeannie Callum)


1.    Callum J, Evans CCD, Barkun A, Karkouti K. Nonsurgical management of major hemorrhage. CMAJ. 2023 Jun 5;195(22):E773-E781. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.221731. Erratum in: CMAJ. 2023 Jul 10;195(26):E910.

22 mars 2024


2.    Petrosoniak A, Pavenski K, da Luz LT, Callum J. Massive Hemorrhage Protocol: A Practical Approach to the Bleeding Trauma Patient. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2023 Feb;41(1):51-69.

22 mars 2024



1.    Massive hemorrhage: Pathophysiology & evidence based management (Dr. Jeannie Callum)

22 mars 2024


2.    Massive hemorrhage protocols: Real world application (Dr. Katerina Pavenski)

2 avril 2024


3.    New updates in Transfusion (Dr. Sheharyar Raza)

12 avril 2024


To view the lectures on YouTube, open the video and click on the playlist icon in the top right corner to select your lecture of interest.



Day 4 key learnings

22 mars 2024


Answers for the seminars are posted after the last group of trainees has completed the Transfusion Camp day (this may take several months after the live event).

Review the Guide for Participating in Seminars prior to attending the seminars.

Seminar 4: Massive, disaster bleeding cases
2 avril 2024


2 avril 2024