Deceased organ and tissue donation after medical assistance in dying and other conscious and competent donors (2019)

Journal publication



Her Last Project - A film by Rosvita Dransfeld - tells the story of Dr. Shelly Sarwal's medical journey through MAID and organ donation. Learn more


  • CMAJ podcasts: Organ Donation After MAID:
    In this interview, Dr. James Downar (co-author of policy guidance) and Dr. Jennifer Hancock (an intensive care physician in Halifax) take listeners through considerations of having a patient who requests medical assistance in dying (MAiD) or withdrawal of life-sustaining measures (WLSM) and who also requests to have his or her organs donated.

Report and recommendations 

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Note: This report and the published manuscript have been endorsed by the Canadian Critical Care Society, the Canadian Society of Transplantation, and the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses.

Organ and Tissue Donation after Medical Assistance in Dying: Guidance for Policy Update Forum

Her Last Project - the documentary

Deceased organ and tissue donation after medical assistance in dying and other conscious and competent donors