The Public Education and Awareness Committee (PEAC) facilitates interprovincial collaboration in the development and implementation of public education and awareness strategies. Organ donation and transplantation is complex and not well understood by the public. There are many misconceptions that contribute to barriers to registering intent to donate or consenting to donation. Educating Canadians, fostering a culture of donation and increasing the number of conversations about donation, and ultimately the number registered organ and tissue donors, is part of a comprehensive system-wide approach to increasing donation rates in Canada. Our collective aim is to shift Canadian attitudes so that donation is accepted as a social responsibility and donation becomes the norm, not the exception.
Scroll down to find links to PEAC projects and initiatives
The PEAC shall function under the authority of the ODTEAC, and recommendations will be made using a coordinated, collaborative approach.
Committee core membership includes representatives from each jurisdiction who have direct oversight for OTDT public awareness initiatives, campaigns and communications within their respective organ donation organization and transplant programs. They understand processes used to identify the need for and impact of public education and awareness activities and initiativesand are able to engage their respective health system team to provide advice and direction on related matters.
Three times a year PEAC broadens its membership to host a community forum meeting to foster continued knowledge exchange related to education and awareness activities and intiatives. The community forum meetings take place in October, February and June.
Roberta Koscielny (Chair), Communications Specialist, Transplant Manitoba - Gift of Life, Health Science Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Co-Chair TBD
Jessica Bonnelly, Nurse Manager, New Brunswick Organ and Tissue Program, Horizon Health Network, Moncton, New Brunswick
Angela Carpenter, Provincial OTDT Manager, Health PEI, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Suzanne Careen, Organ Donor Coordinator, Organ Procurement and Exchange of Newfoundland and Labrador (OPEN), St. John's, Newfoundland
Laura Grantham, Manager, Regulation, Policy, Directive & Communication, Alberta Organ & Tissue Donation Agency – Acute Care, Edmonton, Alberta
Su-Ling Goh, Give Life Alberta, Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, Alberta
Jennifer Harden, Sr. Program Consultant, Acute and Emergency Services Branch, Ministry of Health, Regina, Saskatchewan
Claudia Hawkins, Director, Education and Marketing, Trillium Gift of Life Network, Ontario Health, Toronto, Ontario
Paramjeet Kaur, Manager, Donation Program, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Alain Landry, Program Manager, Legacy of Life and Critical Care Organ Donation, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Rachel Levy, Manager, Public Education and Marketing, Trillium Gift of Life Network, Toronto, Ontario
Alexis Manick, Communications, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Annie-Carole Martel, Director, Communications and Public Relations, Transplant Québec, Montréal, Québec
Angela Payne, Manager, Saskatchewan Transplant Program, Regina, Saskatchewan
Elaine Yong, Manager, Communications & Community Relations, BC Transplant, Vancouver, British Columbia
Peggy John, Director, OTDT, Canadian Blood Services, Vancouver, British Columbia
Jenny Ryan, Associate Director (Interim), OTDT Public Education & Awareness, Canadian Blood Services, Ottawa, Ontario
Breanne Spencer, Team Lead, Stakeholder Engagement, Program Operations, Canadian Blood Services, Ottawa, Ontario
Last updated February 24, 2025
Upcoming meetings | Meeting type |
Face to Face - Nov 2024 | Core |
July (tentative | Community |
Each province manages its own system to record organ and tissue donor intent to donate. Developed in collaboration with provincial partners a national registration portal provides Canadians with a single platform to navigate to the organ and tissue donor registry in their province. Learn more:
General public information and educational materials related to both living and deceased organ and tissue donation can be found here:
Organs and tissues for life education portal
The Orgamites in Canada - Education Toolkits for K-8
National Collaborative Campaign Portal - Leave Well So Others Can Live Well
For more information about the Public Education and Awareness Committee, contact Keep up to date on what's new in OTDT. Sign up for our monthly OTDT newsletter digest here.