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Virtual tour
Past events
LearnTransfusion series
AFC-diploma program in transfusion medicine
Sickle cell disease education program for health-care professionals
BloodTechNet educational resources
Transfusion Camp
Medical Residents Transfusion Camp 2024-2025
Pediatric Transfusion Camp 2024-2025
Nurse Practitioners Transfusion Camp 2024 - 2025
Rwanda Transfusion Camp 2024 Staff
Rwanda Transfusion Camp 2024 trainees
United Kingdom Transfusion Camp 2024-2025
Other courses and learning resources
Clinical guide
Chapter 1 - Vein to vein: A summary of the blood system in Canada
Chapter 2 - Blood components
Chapter 3 - Albumin
Chapter 4 - Immunoglobulin products
Chapter 5 - Concentrates for hemostatic disorders and hereditary angioedema
Chapter 6 - Donor selection, donor testing and pathogen reduction
Chapter 7 - Fractionated blood products and associated pathogen safety
Chapter 8 - Pre-transfusion testing
Chapter 9 - Blood administration
Chapter 10 - Transfusion reactions
Chapter 11 - Massive hemorrhage and emergency transfusion
Chapter 12 - Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn and perinatal immune thrombocytopenia
Chapter 13 - Neonatal and pediatric transfusion
Chapter 14 - Therapeutic apheresis
Chapter 15 - Irradiated, washed and CMV seronegative blood components
Chapter 16 - Preoperative autologous donation
Chapter 17 - Hemostatic disorders and hereditary angioedema
Chapter 18 - Platelet transfusion, alloimmunization and management of platelet refractoriness
Chapter 19 - Pathogen-reduced platelets
Chapter 20 - Granulocyte transfusion therapy
Best practices
Breakthroughs in blood: Advancing practice through research
Blood utilization best practices
Blood System Inventory Management Best Practices Guide
Platelet clinical best practices
Uniform labelling
International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines (ICTMG)
Risk-based decision-making framework
Informed consent for blood transfusion
Red cell antigen genotyping reports
Red cell antigen genotyping report: A quick glance
Interpreting the red cell antigen genotyping report
Serological best practices
ABO subgroups
Diego system: anti-Dia
Diego system: anti-Wra
Kell System: Anti-Kpa
Kell system: anti-Jsa
Lewis system: anti-Lewis
Lutheran system: anti-Lua
MNS system: anti-M
Rh System: Anti-V
Rh system: anti-Cw
Whole blood donors with antibodies
Testing and management of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Visual Inspection Tool
Red blood cells
Red blood cells: Bacterial contamination
Red blood cells: Hemolysis
Red blood cells: Lipemia
Red blood cells: Particulate matter
Platelets: Bacterial contamination
Platelets: Bubbles
Platelets: Icterus
Platelets: Lipemia
Platelets: Other causes of discolouration
Platelets: Particulate matter
Platelets: Red blood cell contamination
Plasma: Bacterial contamination
Plasma: Icterus
Plasma: Lipemia
Plasma: Other causes of discolouration
Plasma: Particulate matter
Plasma: Red blood cell contamination
Cryoprecipitate: Bacterial contamination
Cryoprecipitate: Icterus
Cryoprecipitate: Other causes of discolouration
Cryoprecipitate: Particulate matter
Paying it forward: Why we need YOU to give blood
National plan for the management of shortages of labile blood components
Phenotype matching and storage age of blood for sickle cell patients: A review and recommendations for transfusion practice
Anaphylactic transfusion reactions and IgA deficiency
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
Emergency framework for rationing of blood for massively bleeding patients during a red phase blood shortage
Blood bag spiking procedure
Platelet product quality remains high after seven days of storage
A survey of Canadian MLTs’ views on continuing education in transfusion science
A Guide to Reporting Adverse Transfusion Reactions
Alternative methods of blood donor skin disinfection
Blood: the basics
COVID-19 FAQ: Information for health professionals on safety of transfused blood collected from COVID-19-vaccinated donors
COVID-19: FAQ for health professionals working with blood products
FAQ: SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in immunoglobulin products
Exploring the frontiers of IVIG-associated hemolysis
FAQ: Canadian Blood Services platelet bacterial screening
FAQ: Delisting of directed donations at Canadian Blood Services
FAQ: Donor high titre isohemagglutinin (anti-A/anti-B) testing at Canadian Blood Services
FAQ: Information for health professionals on apheresis platelet psoralen-treated (APPT) and untreated apheresis platelet in PAS-E
FAQ: Information for health professionals on pathogen-reduced platelets
FAQ: Information for health professionals ordering granulocyte concentrates
FAQ: Solvent detergent (S/D) treated plasma (Octaplasma)
Octaplasma: One-page clinical summary
FAQ: Whole blood, leukocytes reduced, at Canadian Blood Services
Impact of COVID-19 on blood donation in Canada
Solvent detergent (S/D) treated plasma (Octaplasma)
Striking the balance: protecting data privacy in research
Summary of adverse transfusion reactions 2019-2024
Surveillance report
The importance of iron for whole blood donors: a Canadian perspective
Canadian Society for Transfusion Medicine (CSTM)
National Advisory Committee on Blood and Blood Products
Provincial blood coordinating offices
Reference standards
Other links
Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle - Questions et commentaires
Clinical guide