5 déc
8:00 | Montréal, QC, Canada / Online

PRDTC 10e Congrès scientifique annuel

PRDTC 10e Congrès scientifique annuel Vous êtes passionné.e par la recherche sur le don et la transplantation ? Vous voulez participer à un événement novateur qui célèbre une décennie de progrès dans ce domaine ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Le Programme de recherche en don et transplantation du

20 juin
12:00 | Virtual

MLT session: Interesting serology cases

Presented by TBA Learning objectives TBA Registration Registration is required for this event and a Zoom registration form will be available closer to the event. To receive registration details for upcoming U of T Transfusion Medicine Rounds directly, join the U of T Transfusion Medicine mailing

28 Mar
12:00 | Virtual

Whole blood for massive transfusion and why RhD positive LTOWB is safe for everyone who is bleeding

Presented by Dr. Mark Yazer Professor of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Visiting Professor in Pathology, Tel Aviv University Adjunct Professor of Clinical Immunology, University of Southern Denmark United Nations Subject Matter Expert for Hemotherapy and Emergency Medicine Associate Medical

22 fév
12:00 | Virtual

The STRATUS trial: Combating ICU vampirism one tube at a time, and the MINT trial: Primary results

Presented by Dr. Deborah Siegal Dr. Jeffrey Carson Learning objectives Learning objectives for the STRATUS trial presentation: Describe the burden of anemia in hospitalized patients. Discuss laboratory testing as a modifiable cause of blood loss and anemia. Discuss the effect of switching to tubes

25 jan
12:00 | Virtual

Treating neonates with anemia and thrombocytopenia: Can current evidence drive the practices?

Presented by Dr. Cassandra Josephson Director, Cancer and Blood Disorders Institute (CBDI) Director, Blood Bank, Transfusion and Apheresis Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital Professor, Oncology and Pediatrics Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Learning objectives Apply evidence-based

14 déc
12:00 | Virtual

What's new with TRALI?

Presented by Dr. Matthew Yan Medical officer, Canadian Blood Services Learning objectives Discuss international TRALI definitions and progress towards standardization Assess the impact of new component and product offerings at Canadian Blood Services on TRALI Review how reported TRALIs are managed

23 nov
12:00 | Virtual

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol (MHP) quality metrics

Presented by You can't improve what you don't measure: QI metrics for MHP Dr. Andrew Petrosoniak, MD, MSc (MedEd), FRCPC Massive Hemorrhage Protocol (MHP) quality metrics data (pilot study findings) Dr. Daniel Roque, MD Learning objectives To review the importance of quality metrics for developing

26 oct
12:00 | Virtual

Antiplatelet therapy and intracranial hemorrhage: Is there any role for platelet transfusion?

Presented by Oksana Prokopchuk-Gauk, MD FRCPC DRCPSC Provincial Transfusion Medicine Clinical Lead, Saskatchewan Health Authority Adult Hematologist, Saskatchewan Bleeding Disorders Program Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Saskatchewan Learning

28 Sep
12:00 | Virtual

Reducing risk from transfusion in patients with sickle cell disease: Indications for transfusion/avoidance of transfusion and alternatives to transfusion

Presented by Dr. Jacob Pendergrast, MD, FRCPC Associate Professor, University of Toronto Medical Director, University Health Network Blood Transfusion Science Dr. Kevin H.M. Kuo, MD, MSc, FRCPC Clinician-Investigator and Staff Hematologist Red Blood Cell Disorders Program, Division of Medical

23 mai
9:00 | Saskatoon

CSTM 2024: Bridging transfusion communities

The CSTM 2024 Conference will take place May 23 - 26, 2024 in Saskatoon. This conference represents a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals involved in transfusion medicine to share knowledge, to learn about the most recent advancements in Transfusion Medicine and to appreciate everyone's