9 juin
11:00 | Wébinaire

Forum de recherche 2023 des patients, familles et donneurs

Forum de recherche 2023 des patients, familles et donneurs Le Programme de recherche en don et transplantation du Canada, en coopération avec la Collaboration en matière de dons et de greffes d’organes et la Société canadienne de transplantation, est heureux de tenir la quatrième édition virtuelle

8 juin
11:00 | Wébinaire

Forum de recherche 2023 des patients, familles et donneurs

Forum de recherche 2023 des patients, familles et donneurs Le Programme de recherche en don et transplantation du Canada, en coopération avec la Collaboration en matière de dons et de greffes d’organes et la Société canadienne de transplantation, est heureux de tenir la quatrième édition virtuelle

3 avr
11:00 | Virtual

Providing rare red cells: An overview of the Canadian Blood Services' rare blood program

This webinar series brings together practicing experts from around the world to share knowledge for the benefit of all communities. The forum is hosted by Bio-Rad Laboratories and qualifies for continuing education credits. Rare red cell requirements present a unique challenge to the blood system

21 Mar
15:00 | Virtual

New approaches to increase efficiencies in blood banking

This ISBT corporate partner webinar is presented in collaboration with Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies and is intended for blood bankers, transfusion practitioners, processing technicians, and students. Presented by Dr. Ana Isabel Pérez Aliaga Head of the laboratory of production and distribution

15 Mar
13:00 | Virtual/Vancouver

Seminar series: Transfusion and infusion strategies in murine hemorrhagic shock

This lecture is part of the CBR seminar series. Extensive transfusion support often fails to prevent death from bleeding after trauma. Early intervention may improve outcomes, but which blood products, factor concentrates, or other drugs are the best treatment is unclear. Patients with acute

8 Mar
12:00 | Webinar

Virtual Forum2023 Living Your Best Life with Kidney Disease

Le wébinaire n'est offert qu'en anglais Virtual Forum2023 Living Your Best Life with Kidney Disease Join us on March 8 - 9, 2023 for our 3rd virtual forum covering various topics throughout both days. If you or your loved one is impacted by kidney disease, this FREE forum is a great way to engage

31 mai
14:00 | Wébinaire

Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series

Le wébinaire n'est offert qu'en anglais Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series Topic: To be determined Presented by: Aminu Bello The Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series is a forum for discussion of the latest advances in donation and transplantation and an opportunity to highlight the

24 mai
14:00 | Wébinaire

Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series

Le wébinaire n'est offert qu'en anglais Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series Topic: To be determined Presented by: Tony Kiang The Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series is a forum for discussion of the latest advances in donation and transplantation and an opportunity to highlight the

17 mai
14:00 | Wébinaire

Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series

Le wébinaire n'est offert qu'en anglais Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series Topic: To be determined Presented by: Efrat Orenbuch and Laura van den Bosch The Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series is a forum for discussion of the latest advances in donation and transplantation and an

3 mai
14:00 | Webinar

Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series

Le wébinaire n'est offert qu'en anglais Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series Topic: To be determined Presented by: Diana Mager The Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series is a forum for discussion of the latest advances in donation and transplantation and an opportunity to highlight the