23 mai
12:00 |

The Impact of Demographic Changes on Blood Donation and Transfusion Demand, Implications of a Population Based Longitudinal Study

Special guest speaker Dr. Andreas Greinacher University Hospital Greifswald, Germany Head of the Institute of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine Objectives 1. To understand the association between demographic changes and blood donation numbers To become aware that the baby boom generation who is

26 fév
15:00 | Virtual

Errors of reasoning in hospital-based transfusion medicine

This webinar is part of ISBT’s Live Journal Club series. The webinar will take place at 3:00 pm Central European Time (CET). No specific knowledge is required, however, attendees are encouraged to read tables in the following manuscript for useful background: Raza S, Jacobs JW, Booth GS, Callum J

20 fév
12:00 | Virtual

Statistical considerations in clinical trials: Asking better questions and the Estimand Framework

The Canadian Transfusion Trials Group (CTTG) is a pioneering national initiative designed to promote collaboration and excellence in Transfusion Medicine research. CTTG, led by co-directors Drs. Donald Arnold and Jeannie Callum, represents a paradigm shift in transfusion medicine research. CTTG

13 fév
10:00 | Virtual

ABO Discrepancies: Review & Practice Cases

The British Columbia Transfusion Medicine Rounds is a monthly 1-hour educational rounds with a multidisciplinary audience bringing together pathologists, clinicians, nurses, technologists, and researchers from British Columbia and throughout Canada who have an interest in Transfusion Medicine. For

12 Mar
13:00 | Virtual/Vancouver

Seminar Series: Targeting extracellular microenvironment for modulating vascular cell behaviours

Presented by Dr. Yuan Yao University of British Columbia Hosted by Dr. Hongshen Ma Registration For information about CBR Seminar series events, visit the CBR website: CBR Seminars | Centre for Blood Research (ubc.ca). To receive Zoom access details for CBR Seminar series events, contact Kaitlyn

26 Mar
8:00 | The Blue Mountains, Ontario

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol (MHP) 2.0 Symposium

Learning objectives Participants will be able to: Summarize changes to Ontario’s First Recommendations to Massive Hemorrhage Protocol and identify strategies to address hospital policy change and implementation. Explain the role of whole blood in pre-hospital setting. Recognize need and demonstrate

18 Mar
9:30 | Virtual

Infrequently administered blood products: Information for transfusionists

Presented by Donna Berta, RN, BScN Learning objectives Participants will be able to: Apply the responses to transfusionists questions to their practice. Recognize and understand the clinical indications for the blood products. Define nursing actions to safely administer the blood products

19 Mar
8:00 | Portland, Oregon

Thrombosis & Hemostasis Summit 2026 of North America

The THSNA Summit is a collaboration of the 13 leading non-profit organizations in the fields of Thrombosis and Hemostasis. The Summit provides a focused forum for over 1,000 attendees with an interest in bleeding and clotting disorders to network, learn, and share across disciplines and disease

11 Mar
8:30 | Virtual

Novel Adjuncts and Therapies to Optimize Thrombolysis

This webinar is hosted by ISTH Academy, the online education arm of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH). The webinar is free for members and non-members alike. This webinar will feature talks by Dr. Bruce Campbell and Dr. Ruby Law discussing novel Adjuncts and Therapies to

20 juin
8:00 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

International Congress of the ISBT

The International Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia June 20–24, 2026. Registration Additional details will be available on the ISBT website nearer to the event date: https://www.isbtweb.org/events/future.html