26 fév
14:00 | Virtual

Immunohematology Boot Camp: Duffy System (25EL-509)

This program explores the Duffy (FY) blood group system antigens and related antibodies using a lecture format with accompanying complex serologic case studies. Beginning with an overview of the structure and physiologic role of the FY glycoprotein, ACKR1 (Atypical Chemokine Receptor 1), this

12 fév
14:00 | Virtual

HLA 101: Connecting the Dots for Transfusion and Transplant (25EL-505)

This program offers a deep dive into the critical role of HLA in transfusion medicine and transplant care. The program will introduce participants to the key concepts of HLA, including how it impacts platelet refractoriness and transplant compatibility. Attendees will explore common challenges in

30 jan
19:00 | Virtual

Behind the Lab Coats: The Dynamic Duo of Laboratory Technicians (LT/MLA) and Laboratory Technologists (MLT) at the National Immunohematology Reference Lab (NIRL)

Lab Talks webinars are monthly, one-hour webinars hosted by the Medical Laboratory Professionals’ Association of Ontario (MLPAO) which feature presentations on a variety of lab topics including discipline-specific topics, new innovations, new technologies, disease states, quality, etc., delivered by

16 jan
12:00 | Virtual

Adaptive and platform trials

The Canadian Transfusion Trials Group (CTTG) is a pioneering national initiative designed to promote collaboration and excellence in Transfusion Medicine research. CTTG, led by co-directors Drs. Donald Arnold and Jeannie Callum, represents a paradigm shift in transfusion medicine research. CTTG

12 fév
12:00 | Virtual

Getting to the heart of sickle cell disease

CSTM Virtual Education Days offer short, 2-3 hour, themed education sessions, with an opportunity to directly connect with the experts via a live Q&A. Save the date for this upcoming event! This event will be offered simultaneously in both English and French. Open to anyone - you do not need to be a

9 jan
10:00 | Virtual

Measurement of lead, mercury, and cadmium in blood donors in Canada & Unexpected findings in donors - Trace substances in donations: What to do?

The British Columbia Transfusion Medicine Rounds is a monthly 1-hour educational rounds with a multidisciplinary audience bringing together pathologists, clinicians, nurses, technologists, and researchers from British Columbia and throughout Canada who have an interest in Transfusion Medicine. For

20 fév
11:00 | Toronto/Virtual

Noninvasive fetal RHD genotyping in D negative, pregnant women

Presented by Dr. Frederik Banch Clausen Senior Research Scientist, DMSc, PhD Copenhagen University Hospital København, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark Learning objectives To provide insight into the Danish experience with noninvasive fetal RHD genotyping. Including overview of the clinical background

19 déc
12:00 | Virtual

Cluster randomized and stepped wedge trial designs

The Canadian Transfusion Trials Group (CTTG) is a pioneering national initiative designed to promote collaboration and excellence in Transfusion Medicine research. CTTG, led by co-directors Drs. Donald Arnold and Jeannie Callum, represents a paradigm shift in transfusion medicine research. CTTG

18 déc
15:00 | Virtual

Vaccination and Blood Donation Policies Protect Blood Safety

The Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB) invites healthcare professionals to participate in a one-hour educational program designed to address challenges to critical blood donation safety policies. This timely program focuses on potential policy proposals that would mandate

30 mai
8:00 | St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

CSTM 2025: No lab is an island

The CSTM 2025 Conference will take place May 30 - June 1, 2025 in St. John's. This conference represents a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals involved in transfusion medicine to share knowledge, to learn about the most recent advancements in Transfusion Medicine and to appreciate