14 Sep
14:00 | Virtual

Immunohematology boot camp: Duffy

This program will describe the structure, distribution, and clinical significance of the Duffy Blood Group System. Antibodies to Duffy antigens are usually clinically significant and have been reported to cause hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. The FY glycoprotein, atypical chemokine

20 Juil
14:00 | Virtual

Immunohematology boot camp: High & low incidence antigens

Highs and lows: the possibilities are endless! Get tips from Immunohematology veterans on how to best approach the identification of these tricky antibodies, gain background knowledge on some of the more common examples, and identify transfusion challenges associated with these antibodies. This

16 Aoû
8:00 | Vancouver

Research Day 2022

The Centre for Blood Research (CBR) Research Day is an opportunity for students to showcase their summer research projects, hear an inspirational keynote talk, and celebrate the end of the CBR Summer Studentship Program. CBR Summer Students are required to register for and attend this event

18 oct
9:00 | Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

ISODP 2023 Organ Donation Congress

L'événement n'est offert qu'en anglais International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement (ISODP) 2023 Organ Donation Congress October 18-21, 2023, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Registration opens in Spring 2023

22 Sep
8:00 | Newport Beach, California, USA

SPLIT Annual Meeting

L'événement n'est offert qu'en anglais Society of Pediatric Liver Transplantation (SPLIT) Annual Meeting September 22-23, 2022, Newport Beach, California, USA Save the Date and watch for more information here.

23 nov
8:00 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

CCCF Forum

L'événement n'est offert qu'en anglais 2022 Critical Care Canada Forum (CCCF) November 23-25, 2022, Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Ontario The Critical Care Canada Forum is a world-renowned meeting for professionals involved with the care of critically ill patients. The Forum focuses on leading-edge

27 oct
8:00 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

CANNT Conference

L'événement n'est offert qu'en anglais The Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technologists (CANNT) Conference 2022 October 27-29, 2022, Hamilton Convention Centre, 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton, Ontario The Conference centers primarily on presentations directed toward and given by nephrology

19 Sep
8:00 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada

CACCN Dynamics 2022

L'événement n'est offert qu'en anglais CACCN Dynamics 2022 Dynamics of Critical Care is the annual national convention and product exhibition of the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN). Diverse programming allows participants to choose from a broad selection of evidence-based topics

27 oct
8:00 | En personne: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada OU virtuel

Congrès canadien sur la santé cardiovasculaire 2022

Congrès canadien sur la santé cardiovasculaire 2022 Nous ne pourrions être plus enthousiastes à l’idée de vous accueillir dans la capitale de notre pays pour notre première réunion en personne depuis trois ans. Consultez le programme scientifique du CCSC 2022 en cliquant ici. Laissez-vous inspirer